X-Lab – Moving forward
The development of X-Lab will take place in three steps, we refer to those as
- Small-scale
- Mid-scale
- Full-scale
The intent is to move forward in a stable and stearable way. We are working together in order to find out what is required (in terms of space, equipment, material, personnel, etc) to make the X-Lab a successful and preferred place to be.
This is what the current schedule looks like:

- Date: October 2019 – August 2020
- Space: 50 m2, located at IKDC:352–355
- Equipment: 3D-printers (2), laser-cutter (ordered, not yet installed), other equipment suitable for wood and paper work
- Material: we have basic material that can be used with the equipment
- Sketches of X-lab small-scale (PDF, 9.91 MB, new tab)

- Date: September 2020 – June 2023
- Space: 115 m2, located in the north part of M-house building (Norra apparathallen)
- Equipment: equipment from Small-scale plus additional equipment such as sewing machine, wood-working machines, etc
- Material: we will have a basic supply of material that can be used with the equipment, if larger quantities are to be used we can organize that for "self-cost-price"
- Additional info: Our organised activities (e.g. weekly activities and/or evening events) are listed under the page X-LAB/Initiatives
- Sketches of X-lab mid-scale (PDF, 7.31MB, new tab)
- Date: starting June 2023
- Space: approx 400 m2 plus additional 800 m2 for related activities
- Equipment: equipment from mid-scale plus additional equipment (not yet decided)
- Material: no info yet
- Additional info: no info yet
- Sketches of X-lab full-scale (PDF, 29.7MB, new tab)
Page Manager: hajnalka.bodnar@design.lth.se | 2021-06-10