Management and organisation
X-Lab has an organisation that assures that everything we do is taken care of in an efficient and effective way.
- Director: Anders Warell
- Deputy Director: Charlotta Johnsson
- Administration: Hajnalka Bodnar, Florencia Aguilera
- Service and maintenance: Joakim Lübeck, Oskar Olsson
- Operations: Anders J Johansson
- Core-team manager: Henry Pigot
- Lab Assistants (Amanuens): Erik Dättermark, Pontus Lindberg, Anton Miolin, Nikan Redjamand, Malin Rudin
Our organisation is shown in the figure below
Description of organizational structure
The organisation is structured in a number of groups, each one targeted to a dedicated task, and each one headed by a group-leader. The group-leaders form the Management team.
X-Lab has a board consisting of 9 members
- Kristofer Modig (Chairman): Vice dean LTH
- Ingrid Svensson, BME, CEE, teacher representative
- Martin Magnusson, Department of Physics, teacher representative
- Craig Mitchell: SKJ Centre for Enterpreneurship, teacher representative
- Anders Drott, Axis Communications, external member
- Thomas Rundqvist, Venture Lab, external member
- Maximilian Jahnke, TLTH, Student representative
- Charlotta Johnsson (adjunct to the board): Deputy director X-Lab
- Anders Warell (adjunct to the board): Director X-Lab
External Advisory Board
X-Lab has an external advisory board consisting of international representatives from highly ranked innvovation and makerspace initiatives.
- Anders Warell Director (LU Sweden)
- Charlotta Johnsson Deputy Director (LU Sweden)
- Mari Suoranta (Jyväkylää University, Finland)
- Gjoko Muratovski (Melbourne, Australia)
- Stine Kruse (DTU Denmark)
- Olli Vuola (Finland)
- Ikhlaq Sidhu (IE University, Spain)
- Jun Jin (Zhejiang University, China)
- Gilles Callebaut (KU Leuven, Belgium)
- Ken Singer (UC Berkeley, USA)
- Olaf Diegel (Aukland, New Zeeland)